
10 Tips On Getting Your Common Name On The First Page Of Google

Entering the Network Marketing business with a very common name can be a challenge, especially if you are Branding yourself in your website. What do you see when you type your name into Google? For the person that has a common name, you see millions of search results. So how do you get your name ranked on the first page of Google. There are 10 steps that you can take to improve your chances of ranking on the first page:1. Set up your self-hosted Word Press blog, with your name in the title2. Submit Articles to Ezine Articles Directory. This is a high traffic website that is ranked #149 most popular by Alexa. Make sure that you put your link to your blog inside the resource box in the bottom of your submitted article. Ezine usually takes about 5 business days to approve your article before it is posted.3. Create a Facebook Account. Google indexes Facebook profiles very quickly. Once you have account set-up, make sure China Wholesale you enter all the information in your personal profile section. This is a very important step.4. Join Linkedin. This is another free social media community, Again make sure that you completely fill out the personal information page5. Write an E-Book. Include several links in your E-Book to your personal branded blog. Put your E-book for sale at at sites like Amazon, EBay, and Craigslist.6. Open A Twitter Account using your name. If you have a common name I would suggest using your full Android Phones name. Complete all the personal information section.7. Post Feedback and Comments in High Traffic Websites. At then end of your comment always post your link to your blog.8. Ensure That Your Blog Is SEO ( Search Engine Optimized). There is a great plug in for your blog called All in one SEO. Make sure that in each of your blog posts you are filling in all your keywords and post description into this plug in.9.Use Google Ad word: Keyword Research tool . This is an awesome tool to research all your keywords10. Change Up Your Outbound Links To Your Website. You do not want thousands of your links all pointing to your direct link to your blog. Google will think that you are trying to spam people and this will hurt your search rankings. You want to change up your links. Send the direct link to your blog posts:Example jeffreymichaelmartin.com/5-deadly-mistakes-to-avoid-in-social-media-marketingI hope you found this information useful in your Marketing efforts. Please leave me a comment !

